X-medics respects your privacy. Whether you are buying one of X-medics’ quality products, or just browsing the X-medics site, X-medics wants to make you comfortable with our privacy policy, and the security measures that we take to protect your personal information. If you give X-medics personal information, X-medics will treat it according to this policy. X-medics encourages you to read this privacy policy.
Consent To Policy & Updates to Policy
By using X-medics’ site, you consent to the collection, and use of your information by X-medics, as set forth in the policy below. X-medics reserves the unilateral right to update, modify, change and alter its privacy policy. All such updates, modifications, changes and alterations are binding on all users and browsers of the X-medics site and will be posted here.
Types and Uses of Personal Information
X-medics collects personally identifiable information, including name, title, company, address, e-mail address, phone numbers, etc. when a visitor to a X-medics site registers to become a “registered user.” X-medics does not require this information to obtain access to any part of the site that is open to the public.
Third Parties
Authorized third parties may need access to some of your personal information. For example, if X-medics needs to ship a product to you, X-medics must share your name and address with a shipping company. X-medics limits such third parties in their access and use of your personal information. X-medics does not otherwise share your personal information with third parties, unless you grant X-medics permission to do so.
Accessing and Updating Personal Information for Registered Users
X-medics needs your help to ensure that the personal information you provide to X-medics is correct and up-to-date. You should immediately notify X-medics of any changes to your name, address, company, phone number, or email address to enable us to make changes to your registered user profile.
How X-medics Internet Uses Cookies
X-medics is aware of its responsibility to society in general, and to our individual customers and web site visitors in particular.
We respect the privacy of personal data and the concerns that visitors may have about the use of their data. In those cases where we collect and use personal data (name, address, contact information), we apply the very best practices such as double opt-in etc.
With respect to cookies (cookies are small text files, which enhance the user experience on a web site, by allowing the system to recognise returning visitors etc.) X-medics only uses so-called first-party cookies, which are cookies created and utilised by X-medics.
Third-party cookies (cookies that are created, managed and analysed by a separate entity, possibly providing some service to the organisation hosting the web site) are not used by X-medics.
X-medics does not share cookie data – or related user behaviour – with any third party.
Disclaimer: The content of this site is copyrighted by X-medics S.m.b.a. By using this Site, you consent to the collection and use of your information by X-medics as set forth in our policy. X-medics cannot be held responsibly for any use of products in a specific application. Haftungsausschluss: Der Inhalt dieser Website ist urheberrechtlich geschützt durch X-medics S.m.b.a. Durch die Nutzung dieser Website erklären Sie sich mit der Erhebung und Verwendung Ihrer Daten durch X-medics wie in unseren Richtlinien dargelegt einverstanden. X-medics kann nicht für die Verwendung von Produkten in einer bestimmten Anwendung verantwortlich gemacht werden. Descargo de responsabilidad: El contenido de este sitio es propiedad de X-medics S.m.b.a. Al usar este Sitio, usted acepta la recopilación y el uso de su información por parte de X-médicos como se establece en nuestra política. X-medics no se puede responsabilizar por el uso de productos en una aplicación específica.