Tantalum RSA Literature
- Alberius P. Pattern of membranous and chondral bone growth. A roentgen stereophotogrammetric
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- Rune B, Selvik G, Kreiborg S, Sarnäs K V, Kågström E. Motion of bones and volume changes in the neurocranium after craniectomy in Crouzon´s disease. A roentgen-stereophotogrammetric study. J Neurosurg 1979;50(4):494-8.
- Rune B. Roentgen-stereophotogrammetry and metallic implants in the study of craniofacial anomalies. Thesis. University of Lund, Malmö, Sweden 1980
- Rune B, Sarnäs KV, Selvik G. Jacobsson S. Movement of the cleft maxilla in infants relative to the frontal bone. A roentgen stereophotogrammetric study with the aid of metal implants. Cleft Palate J 1980;17(2):155-74
- Rune B, Sarnäs K V, Selvik G, Jacobsson S. Roentgen-sterephotogrammetry in the study of carniofacial anomalies-the state of the art in Sweden. Br J Orthod 1986;13(3):151-7.
- Rune B, Sarnas KV, Aberg M. Mandibulofacial dysostosis–variability in facial morphology and growth: a long-term profile roentgenographic and roentgen stereometric analysis of three patients. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 1999 Mar;36(2):110-22
- Sarnas KV, Rune B, Aberg M. Facial growth in a cleft palate patient treated with the Herbst appliance: a long-term profile roentgenographic and roentgen stereometric analysis of profile changes and displacement of the jaws. Cleft Palate Craniofac J. 2000 Jan;37(1):71-7.
- Selvik G, Alberius P, Fahlman M. Roentgen-stereophotogrammetry for analysis of cranial growth. Am J Orthod 1986;89(4):315-25.
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